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Edit or delete ALOC forms


Save ALOC reports or delete ALOC

If an ALOC needs to deleted, be sure to first run the ALOC report and save it for reference. Follow these steps to save an ALOC report:

  1. Search for the ALOC Report.
  2. Select Client, Episode, Record, and select Process once all fields are filled out. 
  3. In the report, select the printer icon.
  4. Select Print to PDF and save the report. 
This is an example of the parameters filled out, how to process, and how to print the report.

If you need a finalized ALOC to be deleted, first request ALOC to be reverted to draft. Once in draft, follow these steps to delete the ALOC.

  1. Search for ALOC Assessment for Level of Care Episodic form. 
  2. Select the Episode the ALOC form is attached to. 
  3. Select Record.
  4. Select Delete.
This is how you would delete an Assessment Level of Care form in ProviderConnect NX.