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Guide to pop-up notifications


The client has been discharged from the selected episode. If this is the intended episode, click 'Yes'.

Client record screen grab entitled Closed Episode Selection. You have selected a close episode. Do you wish to continue? Yes and no buttons that user can select to answer question.

Another user is currently in the client's chart or the same user may have multiple forms opened to the client. Check if multiple forms are open to the client. If not, come back to the client at a later time.

Screen grab of a page entitled Error states: another user currently has exclusive access to this ID. Check current database locks. At the bottom of screen grab is an ok button.


This indicates another client has the same Unicare number in their Facility Chart Number field. Check to see if the other client is a duplicate.

Facility chart number has already been filed for the following patients: 2790 Test. At the bottom of screen grab is an ok button.

Click 'OK'. This indicates the client is currently open in other episodes, which is okay since some clients have Screening Episodes that will not be discharged.

Screen grab reads: Client is active in other episodes. Two buttons at bottom of page: Ok and cancel

Click 'OK'. This indicates the client is open in another episode that has an admit date after the current admission, which is okay.

Screen grab reads: Client is admitted into a future episode. At the bottom of screen grab is an ok button.

Admitting Practitioner is registered in PCNX after the client's Admit Date. Click 'OK' and continue to fill out form and submit.

Screen grab reads: Warning! Clinician 002004 is not active before January 1, 2022.

A reminder to complete CSI Admission and CSI Assessment form as well as CSI fields in the Admission, Diagnosis, and Discharge form.

Screen grab of a page entitled CSI Data Collection Verification reads: Please be advised CSI data collection is required for this program. At the bottom of screen grab is an ok button.


A new row has to be added to the Diagnosis multi-iteration table before entering Diagnosis information. Click 'New Row', then proceed to add diagnosis.

Client record screen grab entitled Closed Episode Selection. You have selected a close episode. Do you wish to continue? Yes and no buttons that user can select to answer question.

After submitting the Diagnosis form, this notification will pop up to ask to return to the Pre-Display. 

Click 'Yes' if you want go back to the page with all of the client's Diagnosis record. Click 'No' to return to Home Page.

Screen grab states: Please select a diagnosis row or add a new row

Financial eligibility

A new item must be added to the multi-iteration table before adding any Guarantor information. Click 'Add New Item' near the top of the page.

Screen grab reads: A guarantor information item must be selected prior to accessing this field. At the bottom of screen grab is an ok button.

This will populate the information of the guarantor selected. Click 'OK

A page entitled confirm states: Selecting this guarantor will overwrite any previous plan information. The master plan information will default. At the bottom of the page is an ok button.


The client was opened in a Mental Health program that requires CSI information to be collected, but no CSI information was inputted before discharge. 

Go back and ensure all CSI information was completed.

*FBRC programs can select 'Yes' and continue to discharge. No CSI information needs to be collected for FBRC.

A screen grab of the CSI data collection verification page. No CSI fields have been answered and CSI specific data is required for this program. Do you wish to return to the form to continue the entry? Yes or no buttons.

Update client data

Indicates SSN was used for another client. If this is a unique SSN, please verify if there is a duplicate account. If it is a generic SSN such as 999-99-9999, ignore notification.

A screen grab stating: The social security number has already been filed for the following clients. A series of names follow. At the bottom of screen grab is an ok button.

Retro claim adjudication

An adjudication for this claim has already been submitted, so Add is no longer an option. Edit/Delete can be made to this claim.

A screen grab of client record stating: Retro claim adjudications already filed for selected batch and claim. Please edit. An ok button at the bottom of screen for user to select.

When adjusting a claim, such as updating the Approved Units, this notification, and other variations of this notification, will pop up. 

Click 'Yes' to update other fields accordingly. Click 'No' to keep other fields as is.

Published June 6, 2022

Client record screen grab entitled Updated Amount with the question: Do you want to calculate updated approved units based on updated amount entry? Yes and no buttons that user can select to answer question.